Nov 9, 2011

Time To Scroll Down

ALAMAKKK..dah lame tinggal lahh..hai uolss, assalamekom..

at last i had time to share sum thing here kann..but my idea just not come out..takpe lah, ak try lah tgk dpt type bpe patah perkataan utk hr ni..hehe

ok since my birthday day lame gone, ak nk share jgaklah sikit ape yg special utk birthday moment taun ni..ak rase lah kan, kasih syg my luvly wife ni dah takleh nk balas ngan ape2 agi dah..she deserve better yo..and i the lucky man on earth..x yah tulis pjg2 lah kan..see the photo below pun korg leh tau apesal ak appreciate sgt surprise present taun ni..

ok dah ak nk masuk chapter sterusnya lak ni..and start our gateway to bali..last minute on first ak day mmg rase 99% akan cancel/burn cmtu je plan kitorg..tapi kuasa Allah dan qada dan qadar tu xde sape pun tau just simple plan, on limited time..just packed and fly there..ak share lah satu moment yg best n sempat ak capture during our vac kt sana..enjoy!!

ok masuk chapter ketiga lak..cite psal career today masuk sebulan dh ak kat company skrg..laani tgh training pun with all my batch includes all the new staff around asia ak mcm biasa lah..rase kerdil..terasa lambat gile nk pickup ilmu2 yg baru ni..and day by day makin byk nk kn fhm..konsep, calculation..aishhh..ade test and towards d end akan ad assessment ak dpt la one set of all the stuff during my first day here..

oklah..dah ckup 3 isi kann..boleh masuk bab penutup dahh..ak pun nk konon2 review ape yg belaja hr ni..ape yg nk kene prepare utk esok..psal tiap2 pg instructor akan plih sorg dtg depan review balik ape yg dah belajar untuk hari smlm till now, hope to see uolss again soon..wassalam

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